August 11, 2010

A Little Inspiration Just Under My Nose

Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park

Sunday morning, and again I felt like having some quiet time.  I found myself heading toward Burger King, a favorite place of mine because of my rich history with Burger King.  The weather that morning was so nice I had to spend my quiet time outside somewhere.  Lo and behold, I ended up in King Farm.  More specificly, I ended up in Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park.

My usual breakfast choice from Burger King would be none other than their French Toast Sticks.  Accompanying the French Toast Sticks is a Mocah Joe from BK.  I've been a fan of the Mocha Joe ever since it came out.  Funny, I even got my pastor hooked on it too.

For right now, and maybe a limited time, you can get a free Mocha Joe with the purchase of a Mocha Joe.  NO DEAL!  Unfortunately, I didn't use the deal because two Mocha Joes would be a Mocha Joe overdose for me.

Ok, now onto what made this park visit beneficial. Before today, I had no idea who Mattie J.T. Stepanek was, nor have I ever heard of him.  It turns out that this young boy had made a huge impact during the 14 years of his life.  Mattie had Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy, and yet he wrote books of poetry that have become New York Times bestsellers.  As the National Goodwill Ambassador for Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy Association, he promote peace through his poems.

In 2004, on Tuesday, June 22, Mattie passed away in a Washington D.C. children's hospital.  This park, located in King Farm, was dedicated to him on October 18, 2008.

It's sad to say, but we miss little gems, like this park, all the time.  There's no telling how many times I've passed this park and never know what is stood for.  Memorial are created for future generations to remember important people and important events on the past.

"Remember to play after every storm."

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