August 15, 2010

Champions Again

The REM (Rockville Enanglical Mission) Team A have done it again for the second year in a row.  They took first place in the REM Basketball Tournament.  Congratulations to Team A.
REM 2010 Annual Basketball Tournament Champion

And as always, I have to show what we ate for lunch. Mad props goes out to my sister for providing the wraps and sandwiches. We definitely had more then enough lunches to go around this year.

Checking out the delicious food.  Right...  j/k

Big thanks goes out the all the water boys that kept Team A hydrated throughout the tournament by making all the Gatorade from Gatorade powder.

The kids made Gatorade and a big mess.  Haha.
Announcing the "Most Christ-Like Team"
Brotherly Love

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