August 25, 2010

Random Moments

So while I was testing out the quality of the built-in flash on my camera, I decided to snap some random pictures of my niece and nephew.

Noah and Melia
It's pretty easy to take good pictures when you have great subjects.  I felt bad when Noah told me that his eyes were flashing.  Apparently, I was taking so many flash photographs that he started to see only flashes of light.  After reviewing my pictures, I noticed that he kept looking straight at the camera in every picture.  Using a flash while taking pictures is too distracting for me.  The type of pictures I prefer to capture are the pictures of real life, not posing ones.

Canon 15-85mm f3.5-5.6

August 15, 2010

Champions Again

The REM (Rockville Enanglical Mission) Team A have done it again for the second year in a row.  They took first place in the REM Basketball Tournament.  Congratulations to Team A.
REM 2010 Annual Basketball Tournament Champion

And as always, I have to show what we ate for lunch. Mad props goes out to my sister for providing the wraps and sandwiches. We definitely had more then enough lunches to go around this year.

Checking out the delicious food.  Right...  j/k

Big thanks goes out the all the water boys that kept Team A hydrated throughout the tournament by making all the Gatorade from Gatorade powder.

The kids made Gatorade and a big mess.  Haha.
Announcing the "Most Christ-Like Team"
Brotherly Love

August 11, 2010

A Little Inspiration Just Under My Nose

Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park

Sunday morning, and again I felt like having some quiet time.  I found myself heading toward Burger King, a favorite place of mine because of my rich history with Burger King.  The weather that morning was so nice I had to spend my quiet time outside somewhere.  Lo and behold, I ended up in King Farm.  More specificly, I ended up in Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park.

My usual breakfast choice from Burger King would be none other than their French Toast Sticks.  Accompanying the French Toast Sticks is a Mocah Joe from BK.  I've been a fan of the Mocha Joe ever since it came out.  Funny, I even got my pastor hooked on it too.

For right now, and maybe a limited time, you can get a free Mocha Joe with the purchase of a Mocha Joe.  NO DEAL!  Unfortunately, I didn't use the deal because two Mocha Joes would be a Mocha Joe overdose for me.

Ok, now onto what made this park visit beneficial. Before today, I had no idea who Mattie J.T. Stepanek was, nor have I ever heard of him.  It turns out that this young boy had made a huge impact during the 14 years of his life.  Mattie had Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy, and yet he wrote books of poetry that have become New York Times bestsellers.  As the National Goodwill Ambassador for Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy Association, he promote peace through his poems.

In 2004, on Tuesday, June 22, Mattie passed away in a Washington D.C. children's hospital.  This park, located in King Farm, was dedicated to him on October 18, 2008.

It's sad to say, but we miss little gems, like this park, all the time.  There's no telling how many times I've passed this park and never know what is stood for.  Memorial are created for future generations to remember important people and important events on the past.

"Remember to play after every storm."

August 8, 2010

Blog Genisis pt. 2

So after taking this picture...

I started to back up for a wider shot and stepped into this...

to get this picture.

errr... I sure hope I just stepped into a Hostess Cup Cake.

August 7, 2010

Blog Genesis

College Gardens Park
So after swinging by a friend's place to pick up some lights and microphone we use for video productions, I had planned on trying out my new Canon T2i out at a park I've been yearning to visit ever since I first saw construction started on it.  However, before heading over to the park, I needed more then the nature around the park as the subject of my photos.  There's nothing more interesting then FOOD! Just a stone's throw away was Asia Taste, a favorite place of mine to get Taiwanese food and, of course, bubble tea.

Yes as you can see, I ordered good old Taiwanese Chicken and strawberry milk tea.  Unfortunately, the tapioca pearls  weren't ready at the time of my order.  So, the lady at the counter suggested jelly instead.  I was forced to try something new, and change can be good at times.  The milk tea with jelly was pretty good.  However, I still prefer tapioca pearls.
Yes the cup is half full because I couldn't wait until after taking a picture of the drink to start drinking it.
After a filling up with Taiwanese food, it was time to look for things to snap shots of.

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