December 26, 2011

Macro Toys

This Christmas I spent the weekend at my Mom's place in Richmond, VA with my sister and her family.  I had a blast from that past when my six year old nephew got a bag full of assorted toys from his dad's cousin.  To my surprise, the bag of toys included four miniature transformers that I had when I was a boy.  My family didn't have a lot of money growing up, so my parents rarely bought me any toys.  These four transformers came in a pack of four that only cost ten dollars if I remember correctly.  When other kids had large transforming Optimus Prime action figures that cost as much as fifty dollars, all I had were these four miniature transformers.

Plus, I just got a macro filter for my nifty-fifty lens.  So seeing these special little toys gave me a chance to try out my new macro filter.  It's a 10x macro filter that screws right onto the front of my 50mm f/1.8.  I love how sharp the images are when the lens is stopped down to f/18 or f/22.  With the small apertures, I also got a chance to play around with my flash too.

Flash @ 90 degreesFlash @ 45 degrees

50mm f/1.8 w/10x macro filter

December 7, 2011

Just Another Slow Rainy Day

It was just another rainy day.  My manager told me to take the day off, and I gladly accepted because I really didn't feel like waiting in the rain for the bus.  So checkout some slow motion video that I shot!  My first attempt.
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