December 26, 2011

Macro Toys

This Christmas I spent the weekend at my Mom's place in Richmond, VA with my sister and her family.  I had a blast from that past when my six year old nephew got a bag full of assorted toys from his dad's cousin.  To my surprise, the bag of toys included four miniature transformers that I had when I was a boy.  My family didn't have a lot of money growing up, so my parents rarely bought me any toys.  These four transformers came in a pack of four that only cost ten dollars if I remember correctly.  When other kids had large transforming Optimus Prime action figures that cost as much as fifty dollars, all I had were these four miniature transformers.

Plus, I just got a macro filter for my nifty-fifty lens.  So seeing these special little toys gave me a chance to try out my new macro filter.  It's a 10x macro filter that screws right onto the front of my 50mm f/1.8.  I love how sharp the images are when the lens is stopped down to f/18 or f/22.  With the small apertures, I also got a chance to play around with my flash too.

Flash @ 90 degreesFlash @ 45 degrees

50mm f/1.8 w/10x macro filter

December 7, 2011

Just Another Slow Rainy Day

It was just another rainy day.  My manager told me to take the day off, and I gladly accepted because I really didn't feel like waiting in the rain for the bus.  So checkout some slow motion video that I shot!  My first attempt.

August 29, 2011

July 23, 2011

High Speed Photography!

     A few months ago, I got a Canon 320EX speedlite.  I finally got a chance to really test it out.  When I first started out in photography, I told myself and others I'd never use artificial lights like flashes or studio strobes.  Looking back now, I can tell you that I just didn't understand enough about lighting and how it effects photography.  Great pictures have a lot to do with how great the shots lit.

     Since the passed few days have been in the 100s!  I decided to cool things down with some cool pictures of a cool drink.  I'm using my Canon 60D, a 50mm f/1.8, and a 320EX speedlite flash.  My camera was set on manual mode with the shutter speed at 1/250.  There's a white plastic-like table cloth as the backdrop, and I turned off all the lights in the room.  It's a pretty simple setup.
     First things first, I had to find a glass to use.  Opening up my sister's cabinets, I looked for the most interesting glass I could find.  Then I ran across this sexy glass.   As you can see, I used some plumb juice because I though it'd look like wine.  Turns out that the plumb juice was so dark and opaque, it didn't produce the effect I was looking for.  Plus it smelled nasty to me.  :(  Testing out a bottle that was laying around, I figured that I'd need a clear liquid.  And guess what fit the bill?  Hawaiian Punch!  Hawaiian Punch is just perfect for quenching your thirst, but it's perfect for late night photography experiments too. lol

Over ExposedBetter Exposed
     In the left picture, the glass is over exposed even though the flash was set at 1/64. To solve this problem, I simply moved the glass about 6" away from the light source. Abracadabra! A much nicer picture.  Now that the shot is looking good, time to push the flash to see what high speed shots I could get.
     If you've tired to drop a piece of ice into a narrow wine glass, then you probably know how frustrated I was trying to get a stupid piece of ice into this glass.  Trying to get the ice into the glass was one thing, but trying to snap a shot of it at the right time was doubly hard.  Really, I was the stupid one.  Now that I think about it, I should have used a glass with a wider opening.  Duh!

Canon 50mm f/1.8

June 10, 2011

Up Close and Personal with the Animals

I recently purchased my first Canon L series lens, the 70-200mm f/4. The Canon 70-200mm telephoto lenses are known for their outstanding sharpness, and it wasn't until I used one did I realize how sharp these lenses are. Canon's 50mm f/1.8 quickly became my favorite lens for its sharpness and price. However, this 70-200mm almost became my new favorite lens. If I had gotten the 2.8 constant aperture version, I would be virtually living a dream. Then again, I'd have to be dreaming if I was able to purchase the heavily prices 2.8 version.

Canon 70-200mm f/4

April 11, 2011

Spring is here, and I need to shape UP!

     Since the weather has been incredibly nice recently, one of the high school guys in my church youth group asked me to go play tennis with him after church last Sunday.  I always say how I can play any sport pretty good, but I can't play any sport really good.  So, after probably ten years, I'm stepping back on the tennis court to once again hit balls over the fence.
     Thanks to a good friend for giving me one of his tennis rackets.  Kinda jumping on the band wagon, I wanted to get into tennis because so many of the other people at my church play it.

     I met up with two of the high school guys at the tennis courts just behind our church after we ate lunch.  We were joined by another college student shortly after to start up some doubles.  It didn't take me by surprise at the skill level they were displaying. 
However, what did surprise me was how well I played.  Granted one out of every two tennis balls I hit flew outside the court, but on the hits that were good, I hit the ball with persion and accuratey.  Even though I didn't know where to hit it most of the time.  All and all, it was a great time with the guys, and a great time of getting out and running around.
     So thank you guys for making me feel good feeling sore for the rest of the week!

Canon 55-250mm f/4-5.6

February 22, 2011

To Photograph, or Not to Photograph

A few weeks ago, I was asked to photograph a funeral service for an elderly man who was part of my church.  In the past, I've taken pictures at emotionally charged sporting events, weddings, and various other social events, but never a funeral.  This won't be my first funeral service I've been to, so I kinda had an idea of what to expect in terms of how people and the family would be feeling.  In fact, I've taken part in my own father's funeral service which was a glorious example of how a truly Godly man can positively impact so many lives.  Going into this funeral, I had no idea what type of obstacles I'd be facing.

February 12, 2011
In general, I love to take pictures that capture people's emotions and have the picture convey the subject's feelings.  So I love getting shots of people smiling, being surprised, and making goofy faces.  On the flip side, a picture of someone sad or crying can be powerful too.  As I was looking for great shots of the family, I found myself torn.  Torn because I was seeing and feeling the pain the family was going through through the camera lens, especially the widow.  I reached a point where I had to physical step out of the building because I felt wrong freezing the moments someone is so deeply sadden.  Is it right to preserve these moments of intense pain and anguish, when someone is so vulnerable?

Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8

January 29, 2011

First Shot

Here's my first attempt at taking portraits.  My good friend, and co-worker, allowed me to shoot a couple of portraits of him.  Here's a few samples of how they turned out.  Special thanks to the Ang family for allowing me to use their guest room as a ghetto studio.

Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8

January 10, 2011

A Comic View

So I've been wanting to do more photo effects with the photos I take. Check out some to of the stuff I was able whip up.

Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8
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